The Permanent Storage Company. Archival Data Storage with Laser Tape.

Opternity is building the future of industrial storage data requirements for the 21st century. Opternity proprietary tapes and tape drives will store 10 -100 times more data than traditional magnetic tapes.

Optical Tape Storage

Capacity 10X+ greater than current LTO tape
True WORM (write-once-read-many) compliant




Capacities for the first generation products will be at the 10TB(native) level per cartridge with competitive streamer tape data rates.
Subsequent generations will be up to 40-50 TB range and 80-100TB range thereafter.

Optical Tape MediaOptical Tape Media:
Extremely low cost
Cartridge capacity more than 10 times capacity of magnetic cartridge
Vast scalability
Data Longevity, 50+ years
No refresh requirements, due to contact-less reading and writing
Write once, rewritable (erasable) and read-only versions
Cassette dimensions compatible with magnetic tape library systems

Optical Tape DrivesHigh sustained data rate
High burst data rate
Extremely long MTBF (no head wear)
Extremely high data reliability with special ECC
Lowest cost device in terms of capacity under head