Vertical Markets
Early customers will be concentrated in vertical markets currently faced with high demands for archival and reference data. Government regulation drives a significant portion of archival storage demand. Regulated industries have inelastic demand for certain archival storage.
The SEC requires contractual and financial information to be held in write-once/read-only form for seven years. More recent regulations have mandated the archiving of all email transactions and phone conversations.
Recent HIPPA regulations require patient records and medical images to be held for the life of the patient plus twenty years, and to be available on short notice.
Companies must keep associated records for the life of the drug plus twenty years.
The growth of permanent digital reference data and voluntary archiving is driven by organizations that purvey information as their primary value proposition.
Economic and census data, digitization of national archives initiative, security data acquisition.
Fundamental research
Meteorology, Astronomy, Particle Physics, etc.
Financial/Insurance Services
Reference to historical financial and economic data, actuarial data for health, life, casualty insurance, etc.
Stock Photography, stock video, animation.
Geosciences, Seismic data, Remote sensing data.
Genomics, Proteomics.
These organizations accumulate permanent data at rates approaching thousands of Terabytes (Petabytes) per year. |